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Diversity statement

Last updated: 10 / 04 / 2024

Neve Diversity Statement

We believe in a world that values disabled women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people—and a world where our differences are embraced and celebrated.

Everyone deserves to feel heard, represented and respected, regardless of their gender, sexuality, age, disability, neurodivergency, cultural background, or religion.

We want to empower our members, speak up for our rights, and transform the world with accessibility and inclusivity: together. Because diversity fuels us—and we value the lived experiences our members bring, including First Nations people, LGBTQIA+ people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and disabilities of all kinds.

At WWDA, we make sure the rights and diverse voices of disabled women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people are enshrined in everything we do. Whether it’s consultation, collaboration, co-design, co-production, or simply sharing stories from people in our community, we’re committed to providing meaningful opportunities for our members to lead the way.

Through our work, we represent over two million people—and every one of them brings their own skills and experiences to the table. Together, we can transform the way society views disability, and dismantle the barriers we face, changing political, social, economic and cultural systems to be more inclusive, accessible, welcoming and respectful to all people, no matter their backgrounds. We support and uplift our communities, while centring their experiences to pave the way for meaningful change: because there is nothing about us without us.

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