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What is sexual harassment? 

Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual behaviour that causes someone to feel uncomfortable, offended or afraid. It is against the law in Australia.

If you feel bad when someone does any of these things to you, it could be sexual harassment:

  • Makes sexual jokes or comments.
  • Gives you sexual compliments, like "Your legs look great in that".
  • Stares at your breasts or genital area.
  • Flirts with you or asks you out when it should be clear that you're not interested.
  • Ask questions about your body or sex life.
  • Sends you emails or texts with sexual content or images, like "dick pics" or porn.
  • Insults you in a sexual way. For example, they might say, "No one would want to sleep with you, anyway".
  • Touches you in a way you don't like.
  • Demands you have sex with them.

Some unwanted touching might be sexual assault or abuse. Flashing (when someone exposes their genitals) can be sexual assault, too. Find out more in the Neve section Sexual violence and abuse (internal link).

You don't have to laugh along. You don't have to say, "That's okay." Everyone has the right to feel comfortable and safe. Help is available. You can take action.

MYTH: Sexual harassment is harmless flirting.

FACT: Sexual harassment is not harmless. It is against the law. Calling it "harmless flirting" is a classic way of shifting the blame away from the person behaving badly.

Sexual harassment can happen anywhere, to anybody 

Sexual harassment can occur anywhere people meet. For example, it can happen:

  • At home
  • At work
  • Online
  • On the footpath
  • At university
  • In church.

It can happen to anybody. It can happen to people:

  • Of any age, gender or sexuality
  • With disabilities and people without.

Anyone can sexually harass others. It could be a:

  • Stranger
  • Carer or supporter
  • Friend
  • Parent
  • Teacher
  • Health worker.

Sexual harassment is not about specific actions but about a lack of consent.

Consent means that people agree to do things together. You can find out more about this on the Neve page Consent (internal link). You can read more about consent on the 1800RESPECT website (external link).  

With sexual harassment, there is no consent.

Reasons to take action: your mental and physical health

Sexual harassment is upsetting. It can harm your physical and mental health.

Potential impacts on mental health include:

  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Feeling powerless
  • Depression
  • Feeling that you are worthless.

Sexual harassment can also harm your physical health. You might:

  • Feel sweaty
  • Be sick to your stomach
  • Have headaches or backaches
  • Have trouble sleeping
  • Find it hard to concentrate. 

Seek help if you:

  • Avoid people or places because of sexual harassment.
  • Struggle with things you used to find easy.
  • Often feel anxious or that you can't cope.
  • Think a lot about what happened to you.

A counsellor may be able to help. Learn more on the Neve page about Counselling and therapy (internal link).

What to do if you've been harassed

The first thing to do is to make sure you are safe. Look after your body and your emotions. If you are in danger, go somewhere safe. Seek medical attention if you need it.

Then, take a deep breath. We're sorry you've had to deal with this. We hope the situation gets better. We know that sexual harassment can be confusing, intimidating, and stressful. People may try to make you believe things are your fault.

Remember that you are never to blame for sexual harassment. What happened is not your fault. It doesn't matter what you were wearing. It doesn't matter how long you stayed in the situation. It doesn't matter what you could have said or done. If you didn't consent, the other person has behaved badly.

Here is a list of things you could do if you’ve faced sexual harassment. You should choose the options that are right for you.

  • Talk to the person who harassed you. Some people offend others without realising. They may be willing to learn from their mistakes. If you feel safe, you could talk to the person who harassed you. Explain how what they did or said made you feel. Tell them how you want them to behave in the future. You could ask someone you trust to be there during the conversation. If the harassment happened at work, you could ask a manager to support you.
  • Seek support from friends and family members. Tell the person you confide in what would and would not be helpful for you. For example, you might just want to talk. Or you might want practical help.
  • Keep records of the bad behaviour. If it is safe, save phone call logs, text messages, photos or other evidence. If you need help doing this, ask a trusted person to help you. If you decide to report the problem later, you will have evidence to share.
  • Get more information. If you were harassed in a workplace, look online for their policies on sexual harassment. You could also talk to someone in authority, like a manager. It will help you know whether the person who harassed you has broken the rules. Learn more about advocating for yourself in the Neve article Standing up for yourself (internal link). 
  • Make a complaint. You could contact the organisation where the person who harassed you works. You could write an email or talk to a manager. You could also speak to a government organisation, like an Ombudsman or the Australian Human Rights Commission.
  • Get legal help. You can use legal support to be safer, like restraining orders and protective orders. You can also get advice about whether something that happened to you is a crime. Learn about legal support options on the Neve page Accessing legal support and the courts  (internal link).
  • Leave the situation. If you often experience sexual harassment at work, from a friend or in a relationship, consider moving on. You could apply for a new job or end an unhealthy relationship. You deserve to be treated well.
  • Develop more financial independence. This can help you leave when you are ready. You can learn about managing your money on the Neve page Help managing your money (internal link).
  • Call a helpline. Australia has many helplines that offer practical advice and support for people experiencing violence or abuse. You can find a list of numbers and resources on the Neve page Helpline directory (internal link).
  • Speak to a counsellor. If you have difficulties you can't manage alone, see a counsellor, therapist or psychologist. Learn about the different options on the Neve page Counselling and therapy (internal link).
  • Know your rights. Everyone has the right to live free from violence and abuse. Learn about your rights in the Neve section Our rights (internal link).
  • Look after yourself. Caring for yourself is important if you have experienced violence or abuse. You can learn how to be calm and more empowered on the Neve page Caring for yourself (internal link).
  • Talk to your service coordinator. This can help if the person harassing you provides a service related to your disability, like physiotherapy, gardening, cleaning or anything else in your NDIS plan. Tell the service coordinator what happened, and what you’d like to happen next, including if you want your complaint to remain confidential. You might want to offer feedback about the inappropriate behaviour but still work with the person. Or, you might want a new person to provide the service for you.
  • Make a complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. If the person who harassed you is an NDIS provider, you can complain to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Learn more on the NDIS Commission website (external link).

Having a disability can make it harder to escape sexual harassment. Limited mobility or social isolation might make it harder to get help. Moving out or getting away from the person who hurts you can seem impossible when money is in short supply. However, help is available.

Even if the person who harassed you is important to you, you can still get help. Many people are hurt by someone they know. It maybe an intimate partner, a parent or carer, or someone else in authority, such as a health worker or service provider. You don't have to go to the police if you don't want to. Either way, support is available to keep you safe and help you recover.


If you experience violence or abuse you can contact 1800 RESPECT for support and counselling.
Call 1800 737 732 or go to the 1800 RESPECT website to chat with someone online (external link).

‍To contact 1800RESPECT via SMS, text ‘HELLO’ or any greeting to 0458 737 732 to start the conversation.

Our rights

We all have the right to live free from violence and abuse, and make choices that matter to us. This section looks at the history of human rights and United Nations conventions. We outline the rights of women and gender-diverse people with disabilities in Australia.

Find out more

Legal help after experiencing violence or abuse

If you have experienced violence, you might need to take legal action or go to court. Legal support can help you through the process. Here, we describe services that can help. We explain how to get the most out of the services available.

Find out more


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Sexual harassment

Unwanted sexual comments or actions can make you feel embarrassed, upset and scared. You don't have to put up with it. There is support available and you can take action. Here, we explain what to do.
