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The Neve team

The Neve team is made up of many people all working together to bring this project to you. The Project Steering Committee (PSC) have come together every six (6) weeks since soon after the project began in 2022 to co-design this website. Made up of women and gender diverse people with disability from across Australia, the PSC has nine (9) members: Anat, Deb, Jacqui, Kylie, Leanne, Luna, Rebecca, Tess and Zoe.

The team also includes a group of copywriters and reviewers: Anna, Annie, Chloe, Deb, Ellen, Gabrielle, Jacqui, Laura, Leanne, Melanie, Nadia, Tess and Zoe.

The Neve staff team who worked to coordinate everyone to develop this website: Amy, Justyna, Sarah and Zoe.

L to R Zoe, Justyna, Sarah and Amy

Contact the Neve staff team

If you would like to get in touch with the Neve staff team, email us at neve@wwda.org.au or submit a message in the form below.

Alternatively, you can contact WWDA at officeadmin@wwda.org.au

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