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Some links within this section lead to information about violence and abuse, including sexual violence. Please look after yourself when reading content that could trigger you.

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  • Ask a friend, family member or trusted supporter to sit with you while you read.
  • Read the information when you’re feeling strong, confident and supported.
  • Avoid these topics entirely.

Speaking up for the person I support.

Advocating for a person with disabilities means looking out for their needs, rights and interests. It involves speaking up, solving problems and supporting helpful actions. It's about promoting their independence as much as you can. Here, we explain how to be an effective advocate.

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May 7, 2024


Disability Advocacy Network Australia

Find an Advocate

Tools and information to help you find advocacy services in your state or territory.

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May 4, 2024


Disability Australia Hub


Self-advocacy is when someone with disability speaks up and represents themselves. This guide shows you how.

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May 4, 2024


Family Planning NSW

Disability resources

Family Planning NSW has a wide range of resources for people with intellectual disability and their support people, including parents and carers, disability workers, clinicians and students.

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May 4, 2024


Black Dog Institute

Healthy Mind

Healthy Mind is an online Easy Read tool for building good mental health.

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Together, we are working towards the prevention of violence against women, girls, feminine identifying, and gender-diverse people with disabilities.
Karin Swift (left), WWDA board president, and her partner Nadia Brady.

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